Days 19-25 in Brazil

We spent the weekend doing family things and going bbq’s. During the week I had a new instructor. My fourth and final Portuguese professor didn’t speak any English but she was very nice and class  went at a more relaxed pace. on Monday we did some sightseeing and historical things, going to museums and hanging out with the instructors from GCC. We went out to Santa Barbara, a nearby town. The museums were fun, it’s very interesting to see how much of an impact the U.S. had on the local history. It’s interesting how relaxed the museums were compared to the ones in the U.S.  Here in Brazil, people were touching the artifacts, opening things….In the U.S. if you  breathe too close to an object security will yell at you. The museums we went to may not have been as grand as some of the ones you might find in the States, but still, it was a very pleasant way to pass an afternoon.

Almost every evening I go with Jess to English class. I spend time studying and talking with the students and the teachers from Fatec. I feel like I’ve met a lot of wonderful people doing this. Sometimes, I skip. I get tired and I need a break, but I like going and talking to some of the new friends I’ve made. I’ve also been helping make the coffee during break, so I’ve been at the very least, a little helpful.

On day 24, it was cold!  After class, we were going out shopping. It was raining and really cold and Fatima and Jess insisted on dressing me up. I brought mostly ripped jeans to Brazil, as an American ripped jeans are completely normal, in Brazil not so much.( at least I haven’t see them anywhere!) If left up to Fatima and Jess I would’ve been dressed in a winter coat, wearing a pair of pants from Fabiana, Fabiana’s sweater, a scarf, gloves, and a pair of boats from Jess. Basically, I would have had on enough clothes to go out and build a snowman. I ended up agreeing to a compromise: Fabian’s sweater, my jeans (with tights underneath them, due to the rips) my sneakers, a scarf, and gloves. Jess still insisted I would be cold. But I can be just as stubborn as she can and I insisted that I was a New Yorker, and therefore from the land of MUCH snow, a little bit of rain wasn’t enough to make me put on winter boots. After class that night a bunch of us from school went out to get some food and drinks, it was another late night, but it was the final night to all hangout before the English instructors from GCC would be leaving so of course, we needed one last night out.

Day 25

It was a bittersweet day. I had my final Portuguese class. My last instructor was really very sweet, and I enjoyed the time I spent with her, but like any kid who just gets let out of school…you can’t help but want to celebrate;) Unfortunately, the end of Portuguese classes also marked the end of English classes and that meant, it was time to say goodbye. I had made a lot of wonderful friends in the two weeks of class and I knew it was going to be really emotional and sad to see it all come to an end. It was really really hard. They planned a sort of farewell evening for everyone. There were presentations from each of the classes, and later, a ton of food! A lot of people swore they would be coming to visit me in the states and I really hope they do! I really did meet so many awesome people; I feel really blessed.  I keep saying this: the best part of my trip to Brazil were the people<3 If any of you guys are reading this, thank you, and I love you all!:)

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About cfarnsw1

I'm a student at Genesee Community College

One response to “Days 19-25 in Brazil”

  1. Michael Boyd says :

    Charissa, it has been a distinct pleasure for me to follow your adventures to both Ireland and Brasil this year. Your photos and reflections regarding the wonders you have seen and your quotidian comments have been a blessing to me. I am sure that many others have now been inspired to take a leap and and are determined to travel. Thank you for sharing a part of your life.

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